If you’re located in Australia, in addition to in-person sessions, I offer an online counselling & psychotherapy service via Zoom.
This is an ideal option for you if:
- you know you want to work with me but don’t live in Canberra
- your schedule doesn’t permit you the time to leave your home or workplace for face to face sessions
- you want to avoid the possibility of meeting other people in the waiting room at my office
- you feel less inhibited talking online
- you prefer the privacy of your own home or office
- you prefer not to have to bother with traffic and parking

Since the onset of the Covid pandemic, online counselling & psychotherapy has become much more commonplace. Research over a 30-year period shows that online sessions can be just as effective as face to face sessions for improving the symptoms associated with depression, anxiety and PTSD among other things.
It’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Some of us just prefer the intimacy of being with another human being. If you’re not great with technology, you might find the set up a bit of a head-ache. I’ve also found that some clients find it challenging that I might not always be able to meet their gaze in the same way as I can in person.
I’ve taken some steps to offset some of those challenges:

- I’ve undertaken an 8-hour training in how to delivery online therapy safely and ethically.
- I provide instructions here on how to set yourself up Zoom.
- I’ve found that if I reduce your image to a third of the screen size and place it directly under the camera, you will have the natural experience of me looking in your eyes.
- I use F.lux to minimise the impact of Zoom fatigue to ensure I show up in good form for you.